Anchorage Police Department

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K9 Ray arrested Freddie Viliamu in attempted robbery investigation

At 2:28 AM on July 30, 2022, Anchorage Police responded to a disturbance at Holiday Gas Station located at 285 Muldoon Road.  While in route, officers were notified the suspect had left the scene on foot.  Initial indications are that 33-year-old Freddie F. Viliamu walked into the business; employees recognized Freddie as someone who had previously been trespassed from that location.  One of the employees walked up to Freddie and instructed Freddie to leave.  Freddie attempted to grab merchandise off the shelf which the employee stopped.  Freddie assaulted the employee and a physical altercation between the two ensued during which time the employee was injured.  As Freddie left the store, he damaged the door on his way out.  The employee did not require medical attention.

While some officers worked the scene at Holiday, others searched the area for Freddie who was last seen walking northbound from the location. Officers were flagged down by citizen witnesses who had followed Freddie from Holiday to the baseball fields near Centennial Park at 8400 Starview Drive. Officers located Freddie at one of the campsites.  As the police approached on foot, they gave Freddie verbal commands. Freddie ignored those instructions and began to run.  Officers commanded Freddie to stop and multiple K9 warnings were given.  Freddie did not comply, and K9 Ray was deployed.  K9 Ray contacted Freddie in his midsection and took Freddie to the ground; Freddie was taken into custody without further incident.

Initially Freddie gave a name that was not his own; he was eventually identified by his fingerprints.  While at the hospital for treatment for the dog bite, Freddie was combative and attempted to head butt the officers.  After he was medically cleared, Freddie was remanded at the Anchorage Jail on the charges of Robbery II, Resisting, False Information, Assault III, and Criminal Mischief IV.

APD Case 22-24674

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