citizen academY

Classroom session

Ever wonder why we do what we do? Join the Citizen Academy!

The Anchorage Police Department (APD) Citizen Academy allows you a special and unique opportunity to learn about your police department through a highly interactive experience. You will be exploring a wide variety of topics presented by officers, detectives and command staff from APD. The program is designed to promote and enhance citizen understanding and awareness of the role of the Anchorage Police Department within our community. The objective of the course is not to prepare graduates to become police officers, but instead to instill in citizens a greater general knowledge of the many functions of the Anchorage Police Department. The academy is free of charge and open to anyone 18 or older who lives, works, or owns property in Anchorage.

Academy Dates & Times

APD’s Citizen Academy 25-1 is now full! Our next academy will be held in fall 2025.

Requirements to Attend

Individuals who apply for the Citizen Academy must be at least 18 years of age. They must also live in the Municipality of Anchorage, work in the Municipality of Anchorage, or own property in the Municipality. All applicants must pass a background check.

Reason to Attend

Community Oriented Policing plays an important and vital role in reducing crime. Therefore, APD instituted the Citizen Academy to improve communication and to obtain citizen input and support throughout the city. It is our hope that the graduates will become partners with us in identifying problems and solutions to the crime issues that are affecting our community. Graduates will gain knowledge that they can implement to enhance the quality of life in their respective neighborhoods.

Subjects Taught

The following are subjects taught and may include the following:

  • Computer Crimes

  • School Resource Officers

  • DUI

  • Property Crimes

  • Drug Investigations

  • Child Abuse & Sexual Assault

  • APD K9 Program

  • Homicide/Crime Scene Investigations

  • Firearm Safety

  • Dispatch (911) Telecommunications

  • Traffic Enforcement and Investigations

  • SWAT Team

Participants will gain a working knowledge of the duties and responsibilities required to be a law enforcement officer in your community.


Graduates will be encouraged to join the Anchorage Police Citizen Academy Alumni Association (APCAAA). This will give graduates the opportunity for continued education in the field of law enforcement and also allow them to have an interactive association and volunteer opportunities with the police department.


One of the goals of the Citizen Academy, of course, is to help the residents of Anchorage better understand how policing is conducted in their community. It is hoped that all Citizen Academy graduates will learn more about the men and women who are protecting their community and learn how and why they make the decisions they do while performing their duty.

THE 2025 CITIZEN academy IS FULL!

Our next academy will be held in fall 2025.

Citizen academy alumni association

For information regarding the Anchorage Police Citizen Academy Alumni Association (APCAAA), visit:

Citizen Academy Alumni Website

woman at the range during citizen academy