property advertising

notice of disposable property

This is an official notice regarding property in the possession of the Anchorage Police Department, including evidence, found property or safekeeping property, deemed disposable and not yet claimed by the owner, or any finder, in accordance with Anchorage Municipal Code 7.25.020.

OWNERS, OR ANY FINDERS, FORFEIT ALL RIGHTS TITLES, INTEREST OR CLAIMS to any disposable property that remains unclaimed within the time frame specified below.  All unclaimed disposable property shall then become the property of the Municipality of Anchorage.

The Municipality of Anchorage will dispose of unclaimed disposable property by any means, including destruction, conversion, or sale through bid or auction. The proceeds from any sale, along with any unclaimed cash, will be forfeited directly to the Anchorage Metropolitan Police Service Area Fund.

OWNERS OF PROPERTY shall contact the  Evidence Section of the Anchorage Police Department, by telephone, (907) 786-8660, no later than thirty days from the posted date of this notice of disposable property, or forfeit all rights, titles, interests, or claims.  If a letter is sent in lieu of a telephone call, it must be received, electronically dated, or hand-delivered by the end of the business day of the posted deadline date.

FINDERS OF PROPERTY must submit a written letter declaring their interest in the disposable property to the Anchorage Police Department,  Evidence Section, 4501 Elmore Road, Anchorage, AK  99507.  The letter must be postmarked, electronically dated, or hand-delivered no later than thirty days from the posted date of this notice of disposable property.  The owner of found property has a priority claim over any finder regarding found property.  When disposable property is not claimed by the owner, the Evidence Section will notify the Finder that they must claim the property no later than forty-five days from the posted date of this notice, or forfeit all rights, titles, interests, or claims.

APPOINTMENTS ARE REQUIRED TO CLAIM PROPERTY Owners, Finders, or their Third Party Custodians, must contact the  Evidence Section of the Anchorage Police Department at (907) 786-8660 within fifteen days after the disposition deadline date to schedule the pick-up of any property.

INDEMNITY, DEFENSE AND HOLD HARMLESS RELEASEAMC 7.25.020C(9) requires any Owner, or any Finder, to sign an Indemnity, Defense and Hold Harmless Release form prior to receiving any property.

DESTRUCTIBLE DISPOSABLE PROPERTYAMC 7.25.060 provides for the destruction, not release, of several types of property including, but not limited to; ammunition, contaminated or biohazardous property, federally controlled substances, prescription and over-the-counter drugs, and unclaimed personal property with insubstantial fair market value such as credit cards and personal identification.

reimbursement of fees

OWNERS, FINDERS, OR THEIR THIRD PARTY CUSTODIANS, claiming disposable property will be required to reimburse the Municipality of Anchorage for costs associated with the mailing of any notice, publication, sale, postage or shipping and handling attributable to any property or money delivered to them.

claim and reply dates

Group 220

  • Posted date of this notice: 2/5/2025

  • Owner's claim date: 3/7/2025

  • Finder's written reply date: 3/7/2025

  • Finder's claim date: 3/21/2025

Disposable property list addressed in this group.

Group 221

  • Posted date of this notice: 3/5/2025

  • Owner's claim date: 4/4/2025

  • Finder's written reply date: 4/4/2025

  • Finder's claim date: 4/18/2025

Disposable property list addressed in this group.