Jason Bonner and Alexander Dekhtiar Arrested for Burglarizing an Occupied Dwelling

At 4:22 AM on July 5, 2024, Anchorage Police mid-shift patrol officers responded to a residence on the 500-block of Nathan Drive.  The homeowner had been sleeping and was woken by sounds of what he thought was an attempted break-in of his home.  The homeowner remained on the line with Dispatch until police arrived.

Officers contacted the homeowner at his front door.  After learning what the homeowner had observed, the officers began making their way around the outside of the home when they saw two adult males near the garage.  Once the men were detained, officers discovered the suspects had forced entry through a door and had entered the house.  They rifled through the homeowner’s belongings and had piled several items into a suitcase.

After being interviewed by detectives at APD Headquarters, 53-year-old Jason G. Bonner and 30-year-old Alexander V. Dekhtiar were each remanded at the Anchorage Correctional Complex on the charges of Burglary I, Theft III, and Criminal Mischief V.

There is no indication the suspects and the victim were known to one another.

APD Case 24-20644

For information on how to obtain the criminal history of any Alaskan, you may do so online via Court View on the State’s website.