This Week We Honor the Men and Women in Blue Who Made the Ultimate Sacrifice

We remember our fallen every day – this week we honor them.

National Police Week is taking place May 11th through the 17th. In 1962, President Kennedy proclaimed May 15th as National Peace Officers Memorial Day and the calendar week in which May 15th falls, as National Police Week. Established by a joint resolution of Congress in 1962, National Police Week pays special recognition to those law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty for the safety and protection of others. This week also recognizes those who have been disabled in the line of duty.

Since 1897, 68 law enforcement officers have fallen in the line of duty in Alaska. Of those 68 brave women and men, ten of them proudly and honorably served with the Anchorage Police Department:

· Chief John Sturgus (1921)

· Chief Harry C. Kavanaugh (1924)

· Officer Benjamin F. Strong (1968)

· Officer William G. Pfalmer, JR (1970)

· Officer Johnathan P. Flora (1975)

· Officer Harry Kier (1980)

· Officer Harry B. Hanson JR (1986)

· Officer Louie G. Mizelle (1989)

· Officer Dan R. Seely (1996)

· Officer Justin T. Wollam (2001)

“Today, and every day, we remember these brave men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice, and we honor the courage with which they worked and lived serving our Alaska communities,” said Chief Michael Kerle with the Anchorage Police Department. “As we remember our fallen, we also thank the many who continue to serve our communities. You have our sincerest gratitude.”

At 3PM on Friday, May 13, 2022, the local Police Memorial Ceremony will take place outside at the State Crime Lab located at 4805 Dr. Martin Luther King Avenue. This event is open to the public to remember those who have given their lives for the rest of us. For those not able to attend but would still like to watch, there will be a livestream of the event on the Alaska State Troopers Facebook page.

We are incredibly lucky to serve in a community who supports us in our mission on a daily basis. We absolutely could not do our job without you having our backs. Thank you. To all of our fallen brothers and sisters in blue, rest easy. We’ll hold the line from here.

National Celebration Information:

This year, the National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum in Washington, DC will deliver programs to keep current officers safe and healthy, as well as ceremonies to honor those fallen officers whose names have been recently added to the Memorial. Be sure to mark your calendar for the 34th Annual Candlelight Vigil, which can be livestreamed on Friday, May 13 at 8:00 p.m. (Eastern). For more information and the link to the livestream, please visit