ANCHORAGE, ALASKA – Sept. 27, 2024 - The Anchorage Police Department (APD) announced it will delay releasing the Body Worn Camera (BWC) video footage of the Aug. 13, 2024, Officer-Involved Shooting (OIS) at the request of the Alaska Department of Law Office of Special Prosecutions (OSP).

In a Sept. 24, 2024, letter to APD Chief Sean Case, OSP requested the release delay only if its investigation extended beyond the 45-day window articulated in APD’s BWC policy. OSP stated its request safeguards the integrity of its active criminal investigation and protects the constitutional rights of the accused.

The release of the footage is governed by policy PI 3.10.110.I.F.1.a. The policy states that BWC video of Critical Incidents involving APD officers (including OIS) will be released to the public within 45 days of the incident, but may be delayed by the Chief of Police for one or more of the following reasons:

·         The safety of involved individuals, including officers, witnesses, bystanders, or other third parties.

·         Integrity of an active investigation (including criminal or administrative).

·         Confidential sources or investigative techniques.

·         Constitutional rights of the accused.

“Criminal investigations must be thorough to ensure justice is served, protect the rights of all parties and secure accountability,” said Shelly Wozniak, Community Relations Unit (CRU) director. "When its investigation is complete, OSP will send a letter articulating its decision to APD. If OSP should decline to press charges, we will release both the Critical Incident Summary and the privacy redacted, unedited BWC footage at that time."

There are three (3) layers of investigation into an OIS at APD. They are:

1.      The on-site criminal investigation where facts and evidence are gathered via interviews, crime scene processing and evidence collection.

2.      The State of Alaska OSP investigation, which determines whether criminal charges should be filed against APD officers.

3.      APD's Internal Affairs (IA) investigation, which begins after any criminal investigation in the case and uses facts and information gathered to determine whether officers’ actions violated policies and procedures which may warrant disciplinary action. 

For the Aug. 13, 2024, OIS, the APD IA investigation will involve an outside investigator coordinated through the Anchorage Municipal Attorney's Office.

When released, all BWC video footage, as well as the Critical Incident Summary can be found on APD's website at

APD Case 24-25066


PI 3.10.110 Body Worn Camera Policy

PI 3.05.030 Use of Deadly Force


APD serves a population of over 285,000 in a service area that extends from the Knik River bridge on the north end to Ingram Creek on the south side. APD currently employs approximately 550 people, comprising both sworn and non-sworn positions. Our department takes pride in working closely with the community we serve.

News & AlertsAmanda Brimanis