Located: Lindsay Krieter
39-year-old Lindsay Krieter has been located. Thank you for your assistance.
Officers need the public’s help in locating Lindsay Krieter (39 years old).
On 10/12/2024 at 1:06 PM, Lindsay Krieter was reported missing. She was last seen on 10/01/2024 and heard from on 10/08/2024.
Lindsay is 5’4”, about 200 lbs, with an octopus tattoo on her chest. She was last seen wearing a black shirt and blue jeans and left in a white 2018 Dodge Ram 1500.
If you have any information on the whereabouts of Lindsay, please call Dispatch at 311 option 1 or (907) 786-8900 Option “0”.
APD Case #24-031815